"A thirteen-year-old is a kaleidoscope of different personalities, if not in most ways a mere figment of her own imagination. At that age, what and who you are depends largely on what book you happen to be reading at the moment.”
While not 13 anymore, the desire to read almost anything and everything in order to read for fun and for experience is still around. I'm currently working on my PhD in a physical science, but I love to read and books are one of my non-science hobbies.
(This is the part of the review when I kind of freak out because I made a resolution to rate AND review all the books I read in 2015 which means I'll have to say something intelligent starting NOW...)
Martha Gellhorn, since I picked up [b:Travels With Myself and Another|925368|Travels With Myself and Another|Martha Gellhorn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1336639927s/925368.jpg|910377] for fun off a shelf in my favorite hometown bookstore, has been kind of a hero to me. She runs around in war zones, reporting, generally kicking ass, and writing about it. Her reportage gets older and, for lack of a better word, grumpier, as she gets older, so naturally I wanted to move on to her letters.
Overall, this volume of Gellhorn's letters track when she first dropped out of college to go to Europe until her death in 1998. The Spanish Civil War, her years with Hemingway (and naturally the fall out from her association with him, including a few notable letters to publishers and friends objecting to the way she's portrayed in memoirs mentioning E., and she generally refers to him), and her later reporting in Vietnam before a semi-retirement in Kenya and England.
Her terse, journalist style is on display here chronicling her opinions on her affairs, marriages, and her adopted children.
These letters are best taken after reading some of her journalism and Travels With Myself and Another since it they much more sense in context of her life. There were some surprising discoveries I made (I still haven't read a proper biography, preferring her own words to the analysis of others up until now) about Gellhorn's life. An informative and interesting read.
Arguably the most important words in modern American detective fiction!
All books should come shipped like this.
A bit of brown paper and a post card (complete with handwritten thank you note).
Also, my copy of Astonish Me arrived today from Harvard Book Store.
It's been a very Boston sort of day for book deliveries.
Held annually in Tucson, AZ, usually over the first weekend of Spring Break for the university students, this year the Festival of Books was Saturday, March 15 to Sunday, March 16.
I went on Saturday. Basically, the best day ever.
Or, at least one would think. I was not in serious go mode for most of the day so I missed book talks by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Materpiece's Rebecca Eaton because the lines filled up. I still managed to get signed copies of their books, which was still neat. There are some serious author event goers who started lining up bright and early!
I did make it to a panel discussion about crime and popular culture with the authors of two of the books tagged in the post, Nancy Jo Sales and Nina Burleigh. Both journalists knew each other, and it was fun to hear them talk both as friends who were catching up and as being prompted by the moderator. There were a lot of the same well trod out concerns about young women, their sexuality, and crime (which frankly I am so bored of it's not even funny). However, I found something interesting in what they were saying that the moderator never followed up on, so I bought their books. Both are great: very critical but not sensationalized versions of the true crimes they write about. An excellent antidote to In Cold Blood in my pantheon of true crime reading (not like I do all that much, but I thought it would be fun to expand my crime fiction reading horizons).
I'm already excited for next year's Festival of Books, because I will be prepared for the mega-talks as well as trying to hunt down smaller and more manageable small panels as well.